Horse Flooring for Barns

Horse Flooring for Barns and Horse Stall Mats for Barns provide a durable, resilient surface for horses. Anti-fatigue qualities from the mats reduce the amount of stress on the horse’s joints , back and muscles as well as protecting the joints of their human caretakers.

Independent tests have shown that rubber surfaces with the anti-microbial additive kill biological contaminants within minutes of contact .

Using rubber flooring for dog agility courses gives added traction, joint protection and shock absorption to the horses (and trainers!) while running and jumping.

Horse Matting used in horse training facilities can be placed textured side up or smooth side up according to owner/installer’s preference. Some trainers prefer the textured surface for added traction, however the smooth surface is easier to clean, especially in indoor installations. Both surfaces are very resilient and work well in any applications.

Animals and humans alike have benefited from NGT-Recycled Rubber’s resilient anti-fatigue flooring. The horse stall mats have been used by top trainers for horse practice centers and competitive arenas.

Horse Flooring for Barns is available in Mats and Sheets . The rubber mats are available in 3/4″ and 1/2″ thicknesses in straight edge sheet material, interlocking mats or rolls design and are made from non-toxic recycled rubber.

Why Horse Stall Mats for Barns?

Dirt floors are difficult to manage and keep clean. Digging out “problem areas” is a constant nuisance. Horse Flooring for Barns eliminate “digging” by giving you an even floor that provides stress-relieving qualities for your horse while reducing cleaning time . No more digging out wet spots. A small amount of bedding used in conjunction with the mats absorb the wet spots on top of the mat, allowing you to clean nearly 100% of waste and odor.

Concrete floors are easy to clean, but are uncomfortable to stand on for long periods of time, even for humans. Large amounts of bedding are required to offer the cushioning support needed for the horse. Horse Stall Mats for Barns are easily installed over a concrete floor. It’s soft, durable surface allows maximum support and traction for your animals . It reduces the amount of stress on your horse’s legs, back, and muscles while standing and at the same time offering you a floor that is easily cleaned.

With Rubber Flooring for horses, the amount of bedding needed is dramatically reduced . The sheets provide all of the cushioning support the horse needs , making it necessary to keep only enough bedding to absorb the urine. In turn, your daily maintenance costs will be reduced up to 50%, saving both time and labor cost.

Easy Installation Factory sheared edges and controlled manufacturing environments ensure an easy installation.

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Respectfully Yours,

 NGT-Recycled Rubber

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